Statement Of Objects And Reasons


[Constitution of Governing/Executive Councils]
Several Celebrities, who participated in the pre-incorporation meeting of the Citizen Force, while appreciating the aims and objects, expressed certain apprehensions on the proposal for incorporation of the Organization under Central Enactments, which have stringent statutory procedures, penal provisions unlike Societies Registration Act, 1860 or similar Societies Acts of respective States or Public Trusts. After several rounds of deliberations, it was decided to 'split' the Responsibilities involved in achieving the aims and objects of the organization and providing high-tech voluntary Services for the Citizens and National Security, in to Statutory and Non-statutory Roles & Responsibilities, so that the Celebrities and all other voluntaries involved in achieving the aims and objects shall be free from Statutory Obligations under various Central Enactments which govern the operation of the Citizen Force like Companies Act, 1956, Income Tax Act, 1961, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 and various Rules and Regulations made there under the relevant Acts etc.

In consideration of the above, Promoter Volunteers while obtaining statutory approvals from Central Government have made a provision for the constitution of various Non-statutory Governing and Executive Councils by the Board for the governance of the organization, as and when required. Accordingly, for all the Statutory Roles and Responsibilities under various enactments, while the Board, in the absence of designated (KMP) Key Managerial Personnel, is responsible, the internal administrative rules & regulations to be framed under the provisions of approved Articles shall provide a hassle free environment to the members of the Governing and Executive Councils to formulate, plan and implement the Projects, Programs or Works of the Citizen Force through the Board without making themselves liable for statutory compliances of various enactments.
The Board in its first board meeting held on 21st June 2013, while keeping the above in mind, having also noted that "Accountability and Transparency" are of high relevance for Non Profit Organizations (NPOs) in view of their responsibilities to stakeholders, including donors, sponsors, programme beneficiaries, staff, state and the public, discussed the need for drafting the non-statutory administrative rules & regulations prescribing the procedure for the Constitution, Powers and Functions of the Governing/Executive Councils; and after approval of the same by the Authority prescribed under Articles of Association of the Company, proceed to constitute the required number of Governing/Executive Councils not only to guide the Board to achieve the objects of Citizen Force but also to make the decisions of the Organization transparent.
The motion seeks to achieve the objects of Citizen Force by constituting various Councils like Governing Councils, Executive Councils across the Country as per the proposed Internal Rules & Regulations.