What is Citizen Force?
Citizen Force Foundation For Citizens, hereinafter referred to as Citizen Force, whose objects extends to whole of India, is a Charitable Organization, licensed under the provisions of Central Act No. 1 of 1956 and established to make the Citizens aware of their fundamental duties under Constitution of India and statutory & non-statutory, moral, ethical and human duties thereby to inculcate the habit of participating voluntarily in the basic duties of State so that no citizen shall be deprived off their fundamental rights or left unattended when they are in need. It is the foundation for Citizens and National Security.
The other charitable activities include protection of Human Rights, Education, Medical relief, Relief of poor, Protection and improvement of the Natural Environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life etc. For the scope of the activities of the Citizen Force click here.
What do you mean by SMART Citizen?
Socially Motivated And Rationally Trained Citizen.
How Citizen Force is different from other conventional Voluntary Organizations?
The Concept of Citizen Force is entirely different from other conventional charitable organizations. Peruse Aims & Objects and Concept. Further, there are many ways to register a Charitable Organization. The information of the Promoters or Organizers or Activities of Organizations registered under State Laws like Societies Act or Trust Acts are not easily accessible to the public. Regulatory control over such organizations is almost minimal. One has to approach the concerned Registrar or Sub-Registrar who registered the Society or Trust to verify the records of such organizations. The public may not be in a position to know where such Societies are registered as most of such Organizations do not provide the details of concerned registrars.
Whereas, Citizen Force is registered under the provisions of Central Act No. 1 of 1956 after going through various statutory checks as to its Aims & Objects, Promoters etc. Under the provisions of Central Act No.1 of 1956, there are several Statutory Obligations on the management of the organization to submit annual returns, audited financial statements etc., failing which severe penalties can be imposed. Above all, anyone can access to the public record of the Citizen Force, through the website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs from any part of the World sitting at home.
How the Citizen Force is helpful to Citizens and Nation?
One of the main objects of the Citizen Force is to enlighten the Citizens of their duties and rights, in the cause of keeping the Nation in peace. It is the endeavour of the Citizen Force to educate the Children from their childhood itself about the duties and rights of a Citizen because the human rights and duties education is directly tied to the maintenance of peace. Read Aims & Objects.
Apart from the above Citizen Force educate and update the Citizens of their Rights, Duties and Responsibilities from time to time through its District/Divisional/Area Coordinators/website and/or e-newsletters and other programs.
It is also the endeavour of the Citizen Force to operate a Central Control Room 24/7 to attend the emergency needs of Citizens. Click Here to know how CF is helpful to Citizens.
How Citizen Force services are different from 108 services?

The concept of Citizen Force is entirely different. It is not a substitute or alternative to 100, 101, 108 or 1091 Services. In 108 services, the staff is employees. Its transport infrastructure is also limited to some extent. Hence their number and infrastructure is limited which is not commensurate with the population of India.The other government social or basic services found to be not up to the requirement of ever-increasing population or incidents. Every State has limited financial means and resources. Keeping in view financial capacity and available means, it has to undertake its obligations of providing social and other services including medical facilities, which sometimes may not reach the needy citizens on time. CF being operates itself with the public; civil disobediences or financial or other constraints may not affect the services of CF. It is the endeavour of the Citizen Force to motivate all the Citizens to participate voluntarily in various charitable and social service activities. In case of medical, police and fire, CF will integrate with the existing 100, 101, 108 and 1091 services and at the same time, the Saviours of CF also raise to the occasion. Moreover, the services of CF are not confined to Emergency Medical, Fire and other services but almost to all basic services and no citizen shall suffer due to lack of such basic services– The motto of CF is One for All – All for One.
Further, it is the endeavour of Citizen Force to make all the Citizens as Police in Civil Dress so that the Police Organization will get most of the information about the criminal activities within the shortest time which may prevent disastrous events
like bomb blasts etc.
Latest info
How the Activities of Citizen Force are transparent?
The Board of Citizen Force constitutes periodically the Governing/District/Executive Councils by soliciting
the participation of most eminent persons from various fields and parts of the Country, which Governing/District/Executive
Councils recommend the Board about the programmes, proposals and projects of Citizen Force.
Where does Citizen Force receive its funds?
Citizen Force may receive its funds from the paid up capital of the Promoters, charities from various persons and citizens of India who supports the aims and objects of the Citizen Force.
How does Citizen Force receive charities?
Citizen Force accepts charities through crossed Cheques/Demand Drafts/Net Banking/Online Donations through Credit/Debit Cards remittable directly to the bank account of the Citizen Force and other fund raising campaigns or through its authorized Coordinators. Citizen Force will issue proper receipts to the Donors as per the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961 and Rules made there under.
Do the Directors or Promoter members of the Citizen Force derive any monetary benefit from organizing the Citizen Force?
The License granted by Government of India clearly stipulates the conditions of License. The Directors or Promoter Members of Citizen Force cannot and do not derive any monetary benefit from the Organization. On the contrary, the directors and promoter members invest a lot of their time and resources in managing the Citizen Force. Click to see License.
Do Citizen Force engage the services of Commercial Fund Raising Organizations for collecting donations?
No. Not at all. It is one of the significant activities of the Officers, Employees, Primary Saviours, Executive Council Members and Civic Education Service Providers of CF to raise voluntary donations by enlightening the donors about the aims & objects of Citizen Force.
Who will monitor income and expenses of Citizen Force?
As per the provisions of the Companies Act 1956, Income Tax Act 1961 and rules made there under those statutes
and all other applicable laws, the accounts of the organization shall be audited by independent Statutory Auditors and the compliance
of the statutory provisions applicable to the organization will be monitored by an independent & Practising Company Secretary and after
getting their verification and certification, the Management of the Organization will file the statutory returns with the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs and Income Tax Department as well. Income Tax Department will scrutinize the income and expenses of the organization.
Once the same are filed in to the website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, they become public documents.
What is Blood Donation Registration?
Citizens while registering online will also indicate their willingness as to donation of blood to the needy citizens in
case of emergencies. Whenever there is any emergency for blood, one can verify online the number of Voluntary Blood Donors available in their area.
As Citizen Force maintain the data base Area or PIN code wise, one can easily found the number of donors available within their reach.
At present the facility of viewing contact numbers of the donors is allowed to Registered Hospitals ONLY through Citizen Force Central Control
Room due to privacy related issues of generous Voluntary Blood Donors.
However, the Registered Citizens can view the number of Donors available in their PINCODE Area or City/Town/Village.
How I can be helpful to the Citizen Force?
There are numerous ways supporters may help Citizen Force to achieve its goal. We can suggest only a few, but you may be able
to find many more ways to help. You can personally contribute funds for the continuing maintenance of the organization or motivate other
Citizens towards the aims and objects of the Citizen Force. Your spreading awareness about CF is also your contribution to the cause. You may
inform "three citizens" about the activities/usefulness of Citizen Force, and request each of them to spread the same to "three others", and so on ......,
so that we can form a human chain to help and protect each other and the Nation as well. Click Here to Donate.
How I can register with CITIZEN FORCE?
It is very simple. All that you have to do is to register online through this website. Please ensure, for effective help,
all the fields are duly filled in correctly. Click Here to Register.
Can a government employee in India participate in the activities of NGO like Citizen Force Foundation For Citizens and become Governing/Executive Council Members of Citizen Force FFC?
Yes, a government employee (Public Servant) in India can be a member of an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) as long as the activities of the NGO do not conflict with the employee's official duties and responsibilities. It is a Constitutional Right as long as the objects of such NGO are NOT against to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order.
A Government servant may, WITHOUT the previous sanction of Government--
(a) undertake honorary work of a social or charitable nature, or
(b) undertake occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character, or
(c) …………….
(d) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of an elective office) of a literary, scientific or charitable society or of a club or similar organisation, the aims or objects of which relate to promotion of sports, cultural or recreational activities, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or any other law for the time being in force, or
(e) ………..
As per rule 3-A of The Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. (Joining of association by Government employees):
A Government employee may join, or continue to be a member of, an association the object or activities of which are NOT prejudicial to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order.
As per Rule 12 of The Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964
A Government employee (Public Servant) may, without sanction of Government, participate and undertake honorary work of a special or charitable nature subject to the condition that such work does not interfere with his official duties.
Note: For further information/clarifications and exceptions, if any, please contact Citizen Force Legal Division.